Bourbon Tunnel

This Gallery is an ancient underground cavity that develops under the hill of Pizzofalcone, behind Plebiscito’s Square, few steps from the Royal Palace. Built in 1855 on the initiative of Ferdinand II of Bourbon, the excavation was interrupted due to morphological problems. It never got completed. Equipped with a spectacular lighting, the tunnel is today one of the most fascinating routes of  “Napoli sotterranea” , and it is the pride of underground Bourbon civil engineering. One of the entrances, in vico del Grottone n. 4, it is few steps from the Trattoria.



The tunnel was used as a bomb shelter during the Second World War and later as a municipal judicial deposit: inside many vehicles from the 40s, 50s and 60s, as well as statues and remains of the war period, have been discovered over the years:  they are visible during the guided tours.



Via Nardones, 10, 80132 Napoli NA

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